Best Electric Bikes 2024 – Don’t Buy Until You...

This article represents all that is wrong with our industry. It very well could have been written in The 90’s! Nearly all the top recommended bikes sport dramatically outdated designs and components.

Why are we still promoting heavy front suspensions as a comfort feature? All listed were poorly designed for off road control. They failed even at that in The 90’s. If tuned to absorb road irregularities they would dive dangerously and encourage squirm in handling. That’s dangerous!

Look at any traditional touring bike, from the cheapest to the most expensive. They are designed for long hours in the saddle and for days on end. Not one has a suspension fork. Good geometry, materials and components make a bike comfy, reliable and efficient, not gimmicks.

Today, not one of the hub drive models listed cannot be gotten with a mid-drive for the same or less money. Hub drives and cadence sensors are The 90’s. A best of list needs to at least be from the current century.

I get it. Some can get by just fine with a hub drive. They have few and small hills or don’t care if they have to slow. They may not even need the additional range of a torque sensing mid-drive. They are still a huge pain on which to change a flat and heavy as heck to lift or handle in tight situations. It is time to change. What a shame that a quality product like The Aventon is still saddled with this antiquated technology.

Every bike listed uses heavy, dull and buzzy straight gauge aluminum. That is even in the few that have better hydroformed tubes! Why, we have had more responsive, less buzzy, butted and hydroformed tubing on almost all traditional bikes since the turn of the century. Weight kills range. It makes a good bike hard for a smaller person to handle.

Some even have square tubing. This takes a rough ride to a whole new level. What sense is there, for on-road riding, to having a comfort fork, bars and seat, with an extra stiff rear triangle? The same xan be said for the square tube necessary to accommodate the proprietary battery in the down tube.

I don’t want to be negative. I want to promote great alternatives. Good enough just isn’t good enough anymore. These good enough bikes should be at least half their price and available only through places like department stores. We can do better and without breaking the bank. I do it daily in my tiny shop. I am no one special and am not particularly talented. I just have 50 years cycling experience. If I can do it, mfg’s can do it too. Let’s start demanding more for our money.

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