This list of the best electric hunting bikes highlights some e-bike brands that deal semi-exclusively in e-bikes for hunters, fishers, and overlanders. These companies offer a wide assortment of accessories and add-ons to make the job easier, and many of their e-bikes even come in camouflage color schemes!
Our list also showcases some quality-built e-bike options made for more general off-roading purposes. These may be less directly geared toward outdoorsmen (and women), but they can still be a significant upgrade to your hunting experience.
So what differentiates a top hunting e-bike from the pack? Many factors are involved, but these electric bikes tend to have powerful motors for tackling tough terrain as well as high-capacity batteries to support off-road riding with large amounts of weight.
Hunting e-bikes often sport large tires with aggressive tread and at least some sort of suspension to make off-road riding more comfortable. Many also include cargo racks for carrying game or gear between the truck and the tree stand.
Before we discuss the benefits of hunting e-bikes further – and reveal Electric Bike Report’s picks for the best electric bikes for hunting – there are a few important things to consider:
First, while hunters are free to use e-bikes as they wish on private land, agencies like the US Forest Service (USFS) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) limit the areas where these vehicles can be operated on public land. It’s important to thoroughly research the laws and regulations governing e-bikes where you plan to hunt.
Second, we perform range tests to determine the distance most riders should expect to travel on a single charge, but hunters hauling a lot of gear, towing a trailer, or riding over difficult terrain should expect significantly less range than we achieved. It’s likely best to make conservative estimates or spring for upgraded/additional batteries when possible.
Those caveats aside, electric bikes have many additional benefits to help you blaze a faster trail to your next 12-point buck. With sound and scent being some of the most important factors when hunting, e-bikes make minimal noise and emit no odor, giving them distinct advantages over gas-powered ATVs or UTVs.
Whether using e-bikes to scout potential hunting areas or travel to an established location faster, e-bikes can provide relief to aging hunters with physical limitations. E-bikes can also help hunters avoid sweating and overheating, which can quickly lead to shivering in the colder months.
Now that you know some of the benefits e-bikes can offer, see below for a list of models we consider to be the best electric bikes for hunting!
Our Best Electric Bikes for Hunting for 2024
*Electric Bike Report aims to help consumers find the right electric bike for their needs. When you buy a product we recommend, we may earn a commission.