Lectric XP 3.0 Review | Feature-Packed & Fun ...

The Lectric Bikes XP 3.0 is what happens when an e-bike company makes an e-bike with massive appeal (the XP 2.0) and finds that they suddenly have more buying power with their factory. When a company’s order grows tenfold, their pricing improves significantly. Many companies would choose to take those savings and pass them on to investors as profits.

Lectric Bikes chose to move in the opposite direction and pass those savings on to the people who made them the success that they are—their fans. To our eye, Lectric Bikes accomplished something we didn’t entirely think was possible. We see very few e-bikes with a suggested retail price at or below $1000 that we are willing to recommend. Not only has Lectric produced a reliable and useful e-bike at a great price (the XP 2.0), they managed to increase how far their buyer’s dollar goes with the XP 3.0.

We appreciate any effort by an e-bike company to increase the value they deliver to their customers by spec’ing better parts. We’re not accustomed to seeing an update consist of a better motor, better battery, better drivetrain, better brakes, better rack and better comfort. We count eight notable upgrades to the XP 3.0 from the 2.0, which makes for a significant gain for the consumer.

Don’t get us wrong—this isn’t the perfect e-bike. Outside of the step-thru or high step option there isn’t a great ability to dial the rider’s fit (in particular a way to adjust the reach to the handlebar) and the ability to remove the key from the lock when riding—that such a great bike could have such a easy-to-fix flaw proves nothing is perfect.

This e-bike is fun, has way more features than you’d expect for it’s price, and can be recommended to just about anybody.

The Lectric Bikes XP 3.0 is remarkable for its broad-based appeal. Sure, it appeals to anyone looking for an e-bike that is easy to store. It’s also great for anyone needing to get around with a little person in tow. For the commuter who needs to get junior from an after-school program or sports, the XP 3.0 represents a chance to get some fresh air and save on gas. Thanks to the new higher gear on the XP 3.0, it is a more capable commuter as well, thanks to its greater ability to go 20 mph—or faster, should someone choose to ride it as a Class 3 e-bike.

This is also an easy e-bike to recommend to anyone on a tight budget. Perhaps the best thing we can say about the XP 3.0 is that it asks the question, “Why spend more if it’s not necessary?”. In fact, that’s essentially what you find with almost all of Lectric’s e-bikes, from their top-notch Lectric One, to their Expedition cargo bike, and even their electric XP trike.

‘Happy Riding, make sure to let us know if you have any questions down in our comments section or if you think we left anything out in this review of the Lectric Bikes XP 3.0.

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