Lectric XP Trike Review | Read BEFORE Buying

There’s an unusual amount to discuss with our Speed Test(s) for the Lectrix XP Trike. The trike uses a 48V, 500W hub motor for its pedal assist and throttle propulsion, and ships in a limited “Beginner Mode,” which Lectric advises is best for getting a hang of the unique feel of a tricycle; this mode has essentially two speed settings with a maximum of 12 mph.

In Beginner Mode, the XP Trike essentially has two speed settings. As shown in the graphic above, we measured a maximum of around 5 mph in the trike’s two lowest pedal assist system (PAS) settings and a maximum of roughly 11.5 mph in PAS 3-5. Our data correspond closely with Lectric’s advertisements; PAS 1-2 are limited to 5 mph and PAS 3-5 are limited to 12.

Riders who are comfortable going faster can unlock the trike through its settings menu to its 14 mph maximum. Considering that trikes are safest when going slow, we recommend keeping it in this setting – but we tested it when unlocked to its full potential as well. When unlocked, we measured approximately 7.5 mph when pedaling with no motor assistance, which required some effort to achieve. Our pedaling experience lightened up in PAS 1, where the motor’s assistance brought us to around 8.5 mph. PAS 2 gave a significant boost up to roughly 11 mph, and then our speeds in PAS 3-5 all maxed out somewhere between 13 and 13.5 mph.

We also measured its throttle-only speeds when unlocked for those riders who are likely to rely solely on motor power to zip around; as with pedaling, the XP Trike’s throttle speeds have different limitations in motor power for each PAS setting. This allows riders relying solely on the throttle to modulate their speed more easily than trying to hold the twist grip in a specific location while riding! We measured a maximum of around 8 mph in PAS 1 and 10 mph in PAS 2. Our speeds in PAS 3-5 mirrored the data we gathered when pedaling – the throttle reached between 13 and 13.5 mph across all three settings.

Lectric has used an alternate method of pedal assist programming with the XP Trike. Instead of limiting its speeds within each pedal-assist setting, the PAS limits the amount of current flowing from the battery to the motor – so technically, all settings are capable of reaching the 14 mph max speed.

This is why our results show similar speeds in PAS 3-5 across the board; the motor had enough power to reach its top speed at PAS 3, but with more power in PAS 4 and 5, it reached that speed faster. When riding with a heavier payload or traveling uphill, the differences between settings are more pronounced, but there is less of a noticeable difference when riding where the additional power isn’t needed.

It’s worth mentioning that the XP Trike uses just a single-speed drivetrain. In my experience, this can be somewhat difficult to get moving; it requires a quarter-turn of the cranks followed by a short delay. This also results in ghost pedaling at speeds above roughly 10 mph, where pedaling fast is necessary to contribute to what the motor is doing. Usually, this is a point of critique for us, however, considering that the trike is made to provide an easy, casual experience, we have no qualms about its operation or performance in this test.

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