Ride1UP Revv 1 FS Review

Ride1UP’s website states that the Revv 1 is capable of traveling between 30-60 miles on a single charge of its 52V, 20 Ah Samsung battery. We performed our standard Range Tests (see the graphic above) on the bike to evaluate that claim.

With the Revv 1 in PAS 5, we achieved a result of 36.4 miles, which exceeded the lower end of Ride1UP’s advertised range. We managed to pedal for 52.2 miles in PAS 1, which is a little under the top-end figure, but still a significant distance – and still close enough to satisfy us!

Quite a few factors influence range, including speed, weather, terrain, rider weight, etc.; far too many for our test to account for. For that reason, the goal of our real-world test is to arrive at a ballpark figure, and we consider Ride1UP’s claims to be well within the margins when compared to our results.

Going by the numbers, the Revv 1 appears to have quite an efficient motor/battery pairing. We prefer to see at least a 1-to-1 ratio between a bike’s nominal motor wattage (750W, in this case) and the watt-hour (Wh) rating of its battery (the Revv 1 has a 780 Wh battery, which is weighted in the better direction). This, in theory, means that the bike could travel for a little over an hour at its maximum assistance setting. In our testing, which was again performed in Class 2 mode, we traveled for just over two hours.

Let’s talk more about the Revv 1’s motor/battery pairing. The vast majority of e-bikes we have tested have 48V systems, but the Revv 1 stands out by using a 52V motor and battery. This means that its motor requires more power to function, but also that its battery stores and delivers more power to meet that requirement. It is also significant because it is an element the Revv 1 shares with Juiced e-bikes, which are known for their power (and much higher price). In general, 52V systems are faster, but also more efficient. The power delivered by 48V batteries commonly drops off as their cells lose charge, but this is typically far less pronounced with 52V batteries. For anyone who wants to learn more about how batteries and their motors interact, we go into more specifics in our guide to e-bike batteries.

During our range tests, we had the chance to get a sense of the bike’s ride feel and level of comfort. I’ll discuss that in greater detail later on in this Ride1UP Revv 1 review, but overall, we were very satisfied. We did notice that the Bafang 750W rear hub motor was somewhat noisy, but considering the bike’s moto-inspired design, we don’t think it will bother most riders.

Ultimately, we were seriously impressed with the Revv 1’s performance in our Range Tests. The bike provides solid range, especially when considering that its motor does 95-100% of the heavy lifting. Even in its maximum setting (in Class 2 mode), 30+ miles is a lot of ground, and for those looking for greater range, Ride1UP has plans to offer the option for a second battery that can mount to the metal housing above the cranks. This is an option that we’re seeing more frequently on e-bikes across the board, so it’s great to see Ride1UP continuing the trend!

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