You can’t get fit riding an ebike!
You can’t get fit riding an ebike. Is there something in that statement? If fitness is what you are looking for in an ebike ride, then yes, you can. However, riding an ebike should not just be for fitness. You can use it to commute to work, or like me; you can use it for all your holidays and days out.

Is suffering the way to fitness?
Some people “think” they know about ebikes and how riding an ebike is not a way to get fit. They feel you must endure pain and suffering or sweat like the proverbial to get fitter. And I am never going to change their minds. Maybe when they are older or have an injury, they will admit to considering an ebike, as those are the only groups of people who should use them… Right? Nope, wrong again.

Head and Body Fitness
I believe the more you enjoy exercise, the more you will do it, and the more fitness you build. Riding my ebike first and foremost is because I love it. I love where it takes me, and I love seeing the scenery from 2 wheels as I enjoy it more. I can stop whenever I want to explore something more, take photos or stop for a coffee and enjoy the moment.
All of this, in turn, makes my head fitter, which in turn makes me fitter. The better I feel about life, the fitter I am. I am built for comfort, not speed, and I am happy with myself. I focus on keeping myself healthy as that is the one thing you can’t buy your way out of. As I speed towards my 60s, I want them to be full of joy and good health so I can make the most of my life for as long as possible.

Benefits and Beauty
To me, the benefits of riding an ebike are endless: fresh air, exploring new areas, confidence in knowing you will make it home, the sheer pleasure of going somewhere new, and feeling tired but happy at the end of the day on a bike. But fitness?
The beauty of an ebike is that you can use as little or as much assistance as you need. Therefore, if fitness is what you are looking for, then you can utilise the weight of an ebike to get fitter and stronger simultaneously. Using an ebike with no power and approximately 28kgs of ebike can train up your muscles and give you a great cardio workout.

Are you mad?
In my experience, some days, I use less assistance and others, I use more; it depends on how I feel. I have arthritis after years of skiing like an idiot when I was young. As a result, I need a new knee. Some days, the pain is excruciating when I walk downstairs. Yet I can get on my bike and go for a bike ride. I listen to my body when it says, “Are you mad?”. On those days, I generally use a little more support on the bike.

No Pain, No Gain – Is codswallop!
Some people believe the” no pain, no gain” mantra is the only way to get fit. But if something is painful, do you stick at it? I don’t buy into pushing my body to its limits, partly because I can’t. Also, I realise that life is pretty short, and I want to be as fit as possible for as long as possible. So, pushing yourself to the limit can put stress on your body that will come back to haunt you later in life. My love of bump skiing in my 20s is a case in point!

Self Preservation
My life at 57 is all about self-preservation and enjoying everything while I still can. I ride my bike as much as I can because I love it. My favourite evening is spent planning a short trip away. It might be cycling to Salzburg and staying overnight in the city or jumping on a train within a 160 km radius, so I know I will have a two-day trip home. You won’t believe the amazing places I have been to just by doing that.
You will get fitter just by riding an ebike in Sport or Turbo all the time, as you are moving your body, which is the best thing you can do. Reducing the amount of assistance you get from the motor will build stamina and tone up your legs and arms.
If you are after fitness, speak to a personal trainer and ask their opinion. I know a PT, and whenever I talk to her, she always says, “The key to fitness consistency.” Would you do something consistently if it hurts your body or you don’t enjoy it? No, I didn’t think so.

Cuddly Variety
I am of the cuddly variety and always have been. Riding my ebike won’t magically see me move down the scale or into a smaller dress size. That is a whole other topic on nutrition and food intake, which is not my area of expertise; you need to speak to a nutritionist about that.
My point is that I am happy and having a lovely time exploring Europe on two wheels, seeing the most amazing places, meeting lovely people, and talking about cycling and destinations all the time. But the one thing I do know is that I am taking care of my physical and mental health, and that, to me, is the most important thing.
Give an ebike a go; you will never regret an ebike ride.